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  • Writer's pictureJimmy Pallotto

Overview of the Site

Hi there, thank you for coming to my new blog site or if you're here by accident give us a chance to ensnare you with the content on here. I created this blog site for a few different reasons: one was because my season for writing articles about Air Force football on is coming to an end and I love the writing aspect of media. Two as someone hoping to get a job in media, both visual and written spheres, practicing as much as possible will only make me better and more entertaining to my audience I hope to have. Third I just started my own podcast under the same name, "Center of Attention" and this way if you are just a follower of the blog you may want to check out the podcast or vice versa. This will be a place where I can write articles about any topic I found interesting, as well as friends and family who have written pieces and want me to publish them here too. I will be writing here starting once a week and if I get someone else who wrote for the site I will publish them as soon as I can. Hopefully it's as fun for you to listen and read as it is for me to create.

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